Sailing Apparel

Students who are chosen to compete in Sailing at TSS will need to purchase their apparel through The Store. There is a range of Gill Sailing products that can be ordered through The Store and you can access the product brochure by selecting the link below.

TSS Gill Sailing Product Range brochure

TSS Store Opening Hours

  • Monday 7:30am - 4.30pm
  • Tuesday 8am - 4.30pm
  • Wednesday 7:30am - 4.30pm
  • Thursday 8am - 4.30pm
  • Friday 8am - 4.30pm

Saturday Trading Hours are 8am to 12pm on the following days:

  • 27 July
  • 10 August
  • 31 August
  • 7 September

Second-Hand Uniforms

Our second-hand uniforms have now been incorporated into The Store so parents will now be able to shop for uniform supplies both new and second-hand at the same time.

All proceeds from the sale of second-hand uniforms go to the Banam Bowai (HandUp) Support Group who assist our Indigenous students throughout their TSS journey. The Banam Bowai provides essential support to our Indigenous boys in many different areas such as medical appointments and providing everyday essentials. Their support is not only financial, but also provides pastoral support and mentoring through ‘Men in Business’ and tutoring sessions. A most worthy cause.

Donations of second hand uniforms are gratefully accepted by The Store. If you have any uniforms in good condition that are no longer of use to you, please donate them at The Store to help boost the stock levels for our families in need. The Store would love donations of uniforms in 'good' condition - please no unwashed, torn, faded, pilled or garments with missing pockets or buttons.

Please note: The second-hand store no longer works on a sale/commission model and is purely donation only.

Clothing List

Preparatory School Uniform Guidelines (Preschool – Year 6)

Senior School Uniform Guidelines(Year 7 to Year 12)

Store Location

Centenary Centre

2 Winchester Street, Southport QLD 4215

Store Contact

Email: [email protected]

Ph. 07 5531 9823

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